ERDDAP event in Gothenburg

Callum Rollo on VOTO shirt facilitating a ERDDAP workshop

The first in a series of ERDDAP workshops

January 19th, SMHI, SND, FORMAS, and Voice of the Ocean Foundation hosted a day devoted to ERDDAP, a data server used for physical, chemical, and biological marine and atmospheric data.  

At this event, twenty-nine attendants from 9 different institutes came to learn more about how ERDDAP works, how to implement it, and how to use it. 

In the morning, there were introductory lectures. First out was an overview of ERDDAP plans for Sweden, presented by SMHI. And right after that, Antonio Novellino gave an inspirational introduction to EMODnet

During the second part of the morning lectures, Callum Rollo from Voice of the Ocean Talked about the practicalities of setting up an ERDDAP. What assistance is provided, and what labor is needed to set up and maintain it? Callum also presented a VOTO case study. 

After a short walk and a breath of fresh air, the group had lunch together at Universeum and a chance to get to know each other better under casual circumstances. 

Practical experience with ERDDAP

During the afternoon, Callum led the workshops—first, a demonstration of the notebooks and ERDDAP for end users, including data download, subset, search, flag, and plot with VOTO data. Callum also showed other data from Copernicus, Oden, and NOAA. And after that, they moved into hands-on data sessions using jupyter notebooks. There were example analysis/use case ideas for the attendees. The focus was on getting the attendees to run code locally and downloading data from ERDDAP that can help with their work.   

Afterward, the reviews from the day showed that this is a vital topic to promote and host more events like this one, with attendants saying that they would like an extended series of lectures to get an even more in-depth understanding of ERDDAP. 

Would you like to know more? 

Are you part of a research project that would benefit from using ERDDAP? If so, don’t hesitate to contact us at Voice of the Ocean to start a dialogue about how we can contribute. 

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