Ocean Knowledge

Empowering ocean research through open data and collaboration

What is Ocean Knowledge?

Ocean Knowledge is a hub for ocean data gathering, methods, and glider and sensor technology development. We operate in a 24/7 fashion and have the ability to react quickly to events and deliver research infrastructure and expertise in data collection.

Ocean observations and documentation

To predict how – and what – changes in the ocean might occur, we must understand how all the individual ocean processes fit together as a system today.

Voice of the Ocean maintain continuous ocean observatories, providing year-round, open access, high-resolution near real-time ocean data.

Our time series helps inform ocean models, scientific reports and strategies and contributes to academic research papers and conference presentations.

The locations of the observatories are selected (in the Baltic Sea) as sites of importance for the exchange of water properties (like salt and oxygen), which have implications for ecosystem and environmental health.

Read more about our SAMBA project and what we measure.

Observations Portal

Our Observations Portal is the central entry point to discover our observatory and project datasets. The portal displays live locations of our gliders and plots of all the scientific data we have collected to date.

All datasets are continually updated as our gliders send back data over satellite communication links.

Go to the Observations Portal to explore our datasets and download data.

Provide research infrastructure

An obstacle for researchers is access to and use of appropriate research infrastructure.

Focusing on field research, our team support initiatives with resources such as boats, technology, or technological solutions.

We also keep close relationships with technology manufacturers and sensor developers to push for developments continuously. Due to our extensive use of gliders and sensors, we can accelerate the development process.

The team

The team at Ocean Knowledge consists of expert oceanographic technicians and experienced oceanographic researchers.

Project support

Are you part of a research project that would benefit from the support of Voice of the Ocean? If so, what are your needs, and how can we collaborate for a deeper understanding of the ocean?

Contact me to start a dialogue about how we can contribute to your activities.

Louise Biddle, [email protected]

Sign up for our newsletter

We look forward to getting in touch with you. Sign up to our newsletter to receive updates on our work.
